Sunday, November 17, 2019


The nice thing about a design wall is that, regardless of how many other tangents that you can head off in, what you have up on the wall waits patiently for you to return when you are ready. My sewing is gradually getting back to more of my projects now after the bazaar and a few squirrel projects (a.k.a. pumpkins) and that means my attention has returned to the walls.

I decided that it would be easier to start with the small one, Country Cousin. It has seemed to be a slow project to get going and I think part of the issue was that I was building blocks specifically as I was laying out the pieces. The other issue is that I felt it was just a little on the dark side.

So I pulled out a few more light prints and a couple of additional blues to help mix things up a bit.

It is a scrappy quilt so I finally landed on the fact that I could just sit down and sew and do the block placement later. That was game changer. I now have an additional 45 blocks together with just a few hours of work and it feels as though I might have some traction on this one.

#QuiltBee: gingerbread houses
There could have been more sewing done but I was still putting the finishing touches on my gingerbread houses. Here are three of the four to give you a sense of scale - the large one was the last to the finish line.

I like how it ended up, and even included a little cinnamon stick woodpile 😄. Actually, I really like them all - the simplicity of the white and brown appeals to me and feels very Scandinavian - and can see making this a holiday tradition, especially the little ones.....M


  1. You are doing your father proud. :)

  2. The gingerbread houses look too good to be eaten. Enjoy the mindless sewing. ;^)


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