Thursday, November 14, 2019

Snow-Covered Rooftops

#QuiltBee: #gingerbread houseFor the past few years Jane and I have been trying to get together to try our hands at making gingerbread houses and this year things worked out, although we may have been channeling snow-covered rooftops just a little too much because the day she was to arrive we woke to a blanket of white outside. Ah well, it was a nice way to get into the holiday spirit.

#QuiltBee: #gingerbread house
We had pinned just about every design imaginable so there was nothing left to do but start. Jane has done this before with her nieces and nephews but it was a first for me.

Uncertain if the icing would droop if it was applied to vertical surfaces, we opted to decorate the components first and then assemble. Next time I think that I might build the house first and decorate after that because the icing proved to be very easy to work with.

We also cut some larger snowflakes to use as the foundation to display the small houses on.

And we got a little silly at times, using cutouts for coasters (that's as quilty as this post gets).

Jane was prolific - the icing, dragees and frosted snow was flying - and will have four tiny houses and a forest of trees when all is said and done. We had a good chuckle at one point when she realized that she had mistakenly eaten two of the sides that she needed for one of her tiny houses!

#QuiltBee: #gingerbread house
I made three little houses and one large one. This one stands about 4" tall.

I cut my teeth on the small ones and after two days I'm still working on the large one. At times we relied on a little bit of very creative gymnastics to hold the pieces in place while they dry. I hope to finish this one up today - stay tuned!....M


  1. Those are darling. Tiny is a great way to start and practice all those frosting skills. Sounds like your gingerbread was tasty too. I've never made one. I need a friend like Janet!

  2. You guys have too much fun! These meet Martha Steward standards.

  3. So impressed with your little houses - the gingerbread foundations look perfect and the icing decorations are wonderful...

  4. Love your gingerbread houses!


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