Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sandy's Citrus, and a Few Other Projects

Last summer I showed you a few projects that Sandy was working on, including her first attempt at working with the Westalee Rulers. Well, I think she might be hooked. Citrus is her second quilt using the rulers and it is as awe-inspiring as the first. Just look at that precision!

When deciding on a palette she looked to a couple of large paintings that they own for inspiration - she wanted the flavours and colours of the Caribbean because of their love for the region and diving. Looks like she nailed it.

You will recall that her first quilt was a tone-on-tone piece with lightly patterned fabrics - a strategic decision to provide a little forgiveness, given that it was her first attempt. This time she thought, "What the heck, make this a challenge!" (like the first one wasn't???). She continues to enjoy the process, right down to all of the invisible stitching required to put all of the pieces together. The only thing she'd do differently is make it rectangular as she is not a huge fan of square quilts. Sounds to me like there will be another one in the offing.

She also sent an update on her beautiful hexagon quilt which she has been busy hand quilting. LUV! The texture is so great. With the heat of the summer it has been set aside as its too hot to sit under a quilt in the hoop, but things will begin to cool down now as we approach September so she will be able to pick up her needle again soon.

In the meantime, she's continuing to hand stitch autumnal nine-patches.

And it looks like there will be an autumn runner happening soon, too. I had found the orange Minion fabric in my travels and had to send it to Ed because he's a huge fan (and also because I couldn't resist the name of the print - "Bite Me"!).

Ed is smitten and wants a cape made from it 😄 but I think he'll have to settle for a runner. He's in luck because Sandy just found this great booklet with lots of pumpkin inspiration.

So looking forward to seeing what develops (love the tiny pumpkin with the flying geese in it).

She also recently scored a great deal on this beautiful bundle that's she's had her eye on for a while (oh, the possibilities) so me thinks that her calendar will not be lacking for things to do....M

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Marie! It’s always a nice surprise to find “me” on your wonderful blog! The air is starting to chill, and the trees are starting to change colour around here, so I know my favourite time of the year is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to snuggling in with new projects, wonderful smells coming from the crockpot, but right now, we’re outdoors enjoying the season! I hope you have the best Long Weekend! (And, Ed’s still lobbying for the cape from your fun gift!)


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.