Sunday, June 09, 2019


In our household we see Sunday as a gift - the one day of the week where we have license to do as little as possible. I avoid shopping as much as I can and, in the warmer months, am happy to putter in the flower beds. Year round I like to spend part of my Sundays with a little hand stitching and often join the gang at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching.

Today I have a few additional 'gifts' to enjoy. Last fall Roberta, my long arm quilter, gifted me several allium bulbs that I managed to get planted before the snows began to fly. Because I was so late with it I wondered if they would take, but voila - I have a beautiful show to enjoy.

We were away from home this past week and they hadn't popped before we left so I was a little anxious that I would miss them; so happy that I haven't. I have long admired alluims and almost can't believe that I now have some of my own to enjoy for years to come. Thanks again, Roberta!

The second 'gift' is a gift to me from me. While we were away I picked up the latest version of Quilt Sampler. Very few mags come into the house anymore given that I can find so much inspiration online, but I still enjoy this tour of quilt shops - it's a great way to kick back and dream of all of the road trips that I could take.

Most of the shops are in the States but every now and then they include one or two from Canada and this time The Cotton Harvest in Seaforth, ON is included, so maybe there's a road trip in this for me after all.

If you are familiar with the mag at all you will know that each shop profiled includes a quilt pattern in the issue. Lovely as they are, I always find myself scouring the other images and find the teeniest pics of quilts that appeal to me. This issue is no different.

I thought that I might have had it with Flying Geese blocks for a while, but apparently not. It is cute this size but I think that it would make a lovely full sized quilt as well.

Anyway, that's my Sunday for this week - a little stitching on Minnie, a little magazine browsing, maybe a wee nap and lots of gazing fondly at the new additions to my garden. I hope that you find time to enjoy your gifts today as well....M


  1. Lovely inspirations... flowers, magazines, quilt stores and hexies :)

  2. I love your take on a relaxing Sunday. I cannot think of a better way to spend a Sunday than slowing stitching away on some hexies. I must say, a road trip to Canada discovering patchwork shops sounds like a very good plan.

  3. We should all be looking for the dimple gifts that come our way. I always have done the same thing with that magazine, looking for the little gems I'd find in the background.

  4. Beautiful allium! I never tire of flowers...or fabric (for that matter)!
    I'm still an old soul when it comes to reading and prefer mags and books over reading on a computer screen....looks like this issue of Quilt Sampler is a goodie!
    Love that thread holder too! :-)

  5. Lovely flowers, so glad they bloomed for you this year. I also love your pin/thread holder, can you tell me more about it please, maybe with a few more pictures :) Have a great day.

  6. Cotton Harvest is a lovely little shop. Lots of Sue Spargo supplies and wool.
    I was there a couple of weeks ago on the way to the New Zealand show at Ailsa Craig which was fantastic. Quite a long drive for you though.

  7. I was worried that my spring bulbs would be finished by the time I returned home from my latest trip and was delighted to discover that I was just in time. They were just coming into full bloom! So wonderful!


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