Friday, May 31, 2019

Adjusting My Halo

Halo quilt: QuiltBee
I’m working on Country Cousin on the small design wall because most of the large wall is covered in Halo

Halo quilt: QuiltBee
I enjoy having a quilt on the wall while I work on other things, especially when it’s one that I can get lost in, and this is one of those quilts. It’s a temperature of much of the lighter side of my stash at a point in time and I have to say, I think I have a very nice stash. All of the colours are playing so well together!

Halo quilt: QuiltBee
Its been great fun watching the circles fill in and re-positioning colours until I think I have things just right – it still reminds me of a table full of antique china plates and saucers.

Halo quilt: QuiltBee
I’m thinking that as it works to the outer edges the colours will fade away to soft mauve, light grey, white and cream. And then, as I sat back and gained some perspective, it occurred to me that I could just leave it as it is and make the rest of the pieces in different whites, ghosting the circular shapes of the pieces in the quilting design. I can’t decide. This approach might be more effective for a wall quilt rather than one that I will use on my bed, and I think that I have just about all of the coloured pieces that I need cut already. What to do, what to do? Well, for the time being, sit back and enjoy it while I ponder my options….M


  1. love this quilt - the colors and the designs

  2. I love the pattern and the fabrics. They really blend in well with each other. I wouldn't put too much white. As you have more colors use a bit more and then go to the white.

  3. Love the vintage vibe.

    I say stick with the colours! It's that kind of quilt.


  4. Wow! I love the colours! I can’t imagine all the work those circles take, Marie ... beautiful!

  5. simply spectacular, keep going with the colors is my humble opinion. Love it, what a labour of love. Lindianna xo

  6. Giving you the golden thimble salute - what a fabulous palette of colors you are working with and that design must have hours of concentration all ready - well done!!


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