Wednesday, May 01, 2019

The Stars Begin to Align

4" sawtooth star: QuiltBee
I needed a Flying Geese break so I shifted from sewing to cutting and making the 4" stars that I need for the Rhubarb Crisp table runner.

4" sawtooth star: QuiltBee
Great idea, however I didn't totally escape the geese because there are four geese required for each star - they're everywhere!

4" sawtooth stars: QuiltBee
Regardless, it broke things up enough to keep me moving forward rather than getting stalled in all that goose traffic.

Once these three are together I will have enough for the first of three runners. Yes, you heard me correctly, I'm making three! I decided that in addition to mine I'd like to make one for the Holly Bazaar silent auction, and then, well, the third one just seemed like a good idea, so I think it will go to the Madonna House Gift Shop. I do it to myself, don't I?....M


  1. Nice work Marie. The colours are looking great. I can't wait to see how these 3 runners come together.

  2. Just look at all those pretty blocks!


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