Sunday, April 28, 2019

Believe It or Not, I Still Quilt

tiny flying geese quilt blocks: QuiltBee
You would be excused if you were wondering lately whether I had given up quilting all together as there has been very little visual evidence of it. Fear not! While Jane's parade of flimsies has been going on I have been busy, busy, busy in the back of the house making a bazillion (okay, maybe 200 or so) tiny flying geese.

Remember the fat quarter bundles that I bought from Jane? Well, the browns were the first to be washed and pressed and pressed into action because this Jo Morton Rhubarb Crisp runner was calling my name. When I picked up the fabric Linda printed off the pattern for me so I was good to go. I have long lusted after this one but didn't think I would get to it so soon.

tiny flying geese quilt block: QuiltBee
Santa must have known about my plans well before I did because it has been the perfect way to initiate my little 1" x 2" flying geese Bloc Loc ruler that he delivered this past Christmas. LOVE it! Not sure what size I thought that all of those geese were but I got a bit of a jolt when I took another look at the size of the ruler. Can you say tiny? I almost backed out but I'm so glad that I didn't - they are totally stinkin' cute.


  1. I love using the Bloc Loc ruler for making flying geese. Looks like your blocks are coming out perfectly.

  2. how do you like the big book of table runners - I have 3 other "big books" and like them all but I do not have this one

  3. This post reminded me that I have a larger bloc-lock ruler! Maybe I need to pull it out and give it a whirl someday! The little flying geese look small but mighty.:)


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