Wednesday, February 13, 2019

My Happy Little Valentines

I continue to see red these days but it's not all been from the fabric bins. To put it mildly, we have had a heck of a time with our Internet and phone service, which explains my long hiatus from blogland. We thought everything had finally settled yesterday but alas, that was not to be. I'm trying not to take a fit but it's getting harder and harder. Regardless, while I have connectivity I'm going to share my Valentines with you.

These are the result of all that scrap sewing that you saw the last time and lots of fun to make.

I started with a tutorial from Cluck Cluck Sew  and went from there, backing and binding them all with the same red dot, very appropriately named Kiss Dot. The hearts were 5" and the potholders finished off at about 7 1/2".

Unfortunately, it wasn't until I had them mostly together that I realized that maybe not all of the scraps had been pre-washed. I had made 13 blocks and at one point toyed with making a baby quilt, but I just couldn't risk all of that white background turning pink in the wash because you know if its a baby quilt it is going to need to be washed. I did wash the backing but still have my fingers crossed that nothing runs when they get laundered.

The gals got together for some quilting therapy last weekend (more to come on that) so everyone got a pair to take home. They were met with squeals of delight, so I'm thinking that's a good thing. It's an idea I got from Sandy last summer when she said she was making potholders for her girls get together. So everyone was happy - I got to play with my scraps and the gals got a little treat. Hope that there are Valentine treats this week for you, too. Happy Valentine's Day!....M


  1. Passed them on to the kids. I see where Pinterest is calling them mug rugs, 'cause their just too nice to use as pot holders! THANK YOU!

  2. Marie, what a grand job you did on those pot holders. And sweet to gift them too.

  3. I love your potholders, Marie! The colours, the scrappiness of the hearts ... perfect! One can never have too many potholders ... although these are too pretty to use!

  4. Cute hearts! I think I would have risked the baby quilt idea, throwing in 2-3 Color Catchers in the wash. Whoever invented those things was brilliant!


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