Monday, January 28, 2019

Seeing Red, and a Little Plum Too

It's probably just the time of year, you know - with Valentine's Day in the offing. Or maybe it was because I had pulled out all of my scrap bins to cut pieces for Halo and got sidetracked with the reds. Whatever it was I decided that I needed to make some of those small red scraps into scrappy fabric.

No plan in mind, just the fun of mindless sewing and seeing the bits and pieces come together in interesting ways rather than languishing at the bottom of a bin.

About half way through I set upon an idea of what to do with it so that everything didn't get chucked right back into the scrap bins or a WIP pile, and it was FUN! I'll have an update for you next time (how's that for a teaser?)

And speaking of teasers, how about this beauty that Betty is working on? Is it not amazing??? This is just a small taste of what I expect to see next weekend when we gals get together to stitch and catch up. I'll be certain to share lots of pics....M

1 comment:

  1. It will be fun to see what you've done with all those reds.


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