Friday, December 21, 2018

Getting In My Own Way

Moda Love: QuiltBee
Sometimes I can be my own worst enemy, thinking that I am on a roll but really just tripping myself up and making more work for myself.

I liked the red and green Carpenter's Star table toppers (also known as Moda Love) that I made for the Holly Bazaar. So much so that a silver and gold version seemed like a good idea, so I cut my 6.5" squares and proceeded to sew them together to make my pile of HSTs.

Only one problem - I sewed them all around the outside edge instead of on the diagonals like I was supposed to, so I had the makings for four larger HSTs from each block rather than the 8 small HSTs that I was wanting. Sheesh.

What to do? Cut another pile of squares or rip everything out? I opted for ripping and giving myself a good talking to about patience while I did it. It didn't really take that long once I got onto it.

Moda Love: QuiltBee
So, now there's a topper on the design wall waiting to be assembled. But there's also Christmas on the horizon. I'm hoping to get a few more things off my TO DO list before I sit down to sew - we'll see if that happens before or after Santa drops by....M

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