Sunday, September 02, 2018

The View From Here

garden water feature: QuiltBee
Today, as part of her weekly Slow Sunday Stitching linky party Kathy sent out an invitation to share photos of your favourite place to quilt, so here's mine. This is the view of our herb garden.

garden water feature: QuiltBee
We had a small pond and water feature installed next to the garden when we built the house (we call it 'the duck' but its really a goose 😉) and I think it was one of the best decisions we made.

The soothing gurgle of the water is hard to resist and as the garden fills in it gets increasingly lush. It has also been known to have sedative powers, making this the perfect spot for a quick nap under the umbrella.

Every second year this rose bush treats us to a gorgeous display as well.

hexie diamond quilt blocks: QuiltBee
Soothing as it is, this little corner can be responsible for any number of stitching distractions (too relaxed), including goofing up on assembling Minnie diamonds - the pink and soft green hexies should meet. Sheesh. Small price to pay I suppose. Hope you are enjoying stitching in your favourite spot today....M


  1. Oh so gorgeous! The price of distraction (making stitching mistakes) is totally worth it!
    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your slow unstitching today!

  2. What a wonderful spot. I used to have a garden pond and it always was interesting and I loved the sound the waterfall made.

  3. Lovely place to sit and sew!

  4. You have a beautiful place to sit and stitch.

  5. Beautiful spot for stitching! Hope you are out there now.

  6. You have a fantastic spot to sew and relax. Enjoy it! ;^)

  7. I can see why it could be distracting. So beautiful

  8. Truly lovely! You did make a very wise decision. Stunning roses too.

  9. Love your beautiful garden, Marie!
    I thought I was the only one that assembled hexies in the wrong spot. :) Thankfully, I’ve moved on to the cream coloured border ... pretty hard to mess that up ... I hope!
    I can’t wait to see Minnie done! Pictures don’t do justice to how tiny those hexies are ... crazy small!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.