Thursday, August 30, 2018

Holly Bazaar Planning

Churn Dash blocks: QuiltBee
Hard as it is to realize that we are now at the end of August and that the Holly Bazaar is just a little over two months away, it seemed like a good idea to start doing some planning for what to make. I will need something to put into the Silent Auction and then additional items for the craft table. September and October always seem to be busy months for me so I like to get this stuff sewn up as early as possible; inevitably something seems to need binding the night before.

Time to clear away what's on the sewing table, so I finished off another pile of Churn Dash blocks for Omigosh.

I've been Pinning ideas like crazy but the other night I decided that it was a good idea to just sit down and start making a list. There's a pumpkin table topper that I'm going to try and make, with a couple of my own touches added in. I had cut some orange squares a while ago so it's got a start at least.

star quilt block: QuiltBee
Then I did a bit of a walk around in my sewing room (not that long a walk because my room isn't that big!) and it was surprising to see how many projects are in play that could become more toppers. There's these little stars...

and in one of my cubbies I found the makings of two improv trees. I need to make a third tree and then figure out where to go from there, but again, a good start.

Lemoyne star quilt block: QuiltBee
And a Lemoyne Star that would look cute with an HST border, maybe four or five deep.

I also found three Christmas stocking panels. Linda gave them to me a few years ago at our craft weekend so I think I'll quilt them and put them together.

And finally, a bundle of silver and gold fabrics that might be nice in a log cabin pattern; still have to figure this one out a bit more.

There's also a few potholdersideas rolling around in my head but I'll see how far along I get with this list before I start them.

So it was a worthwhile exercise. Now I at least feel like I'm a bit in control and know where to start directing my energies. Good thing because the bazaar will be here before I know it!....M


  1. Your stroll around your swing room reaped a lot of potential ideas and partially sewn blocks. Fabulous

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing your pumpkin table topper and always enjoy reading about your Holly Bazaar. :)


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