Friday, August 03, 2018

The Waiting Game

Tumbling Blocks quilt blocks: QuiltBee
Now that my binding frenzy is behind me I've entered that state where you try and figure out what to pick up next. I'm also waiting for a full report from Sandy, Jane and Betty who are all together at the lake for the next several days - I expect there will be lots of lovely quilty things to share; they never disappoint. In the meantime, here is a sneak peak of Betty's latest project.

I knew something was up when Jane left a comment a few weeks ago something to the effect of, 'Wait til you see what Betty started...' If that doesn't get your attention I'm not sure what will. I have to say that when I found out it was Tumbling Blocks I was a bit surprised because it just didn't seem like a pattern that she'd pick. I should have known better.

Tumbling Blocks quilt block: QuiltBee
Yes, it's Tumbling Blocks and she's making it in this wonderful, rich palette of blues and purples with just a little soft ochre to spice things up (I suspect that there is some klepto quilting involved 😉). Oh, and she's subdividing one of the diamonds into four tiny diamonds. It. Will. Be. Stunning.

It's making me think that I need a new hand sewing project but I can't quite land on what that should be so I'm returning to my fallback position and spending time with Minnie....M


  1. Wow! Those tumbling blocks are stunning. Great inspiration!

  2. Those tumblers take some skill to make. Lovely. Its nice to have a fall back project. Enjoy


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