Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Digging to the Bottom of the Bag

I have a very 'non-quilty' little black bag for my hand stitching projects. It's years old and was once part of a cosmetics promotion. It's also black patent, hardly something that invokes the idea of quilting, but it has proven to be the perfect size.

At 6 x 8" it is large enough to hold a surprising number of bits and bobs - my spool holder and pincushion, scissors and any number of blocks/hexies. Lately it has been busy with hexies for Minnie but for months now about a dozen little nine-patch blocks and scraps of green have been tucked away in the very bottom.

It even has an emergency needle and a couple of straight pins in case I forget my larger pincushion...

And a lavender sachet to keep things smelling fresh.

The greens are leftovers from my Danuta's Garden sashing; they are about 1.25". I started making nine-patches but then ran out of white, so there they sat. I am hoping that there is some of this pretty sweet pea print left from the same quilt so that I can make a table topper.

Anyway, these blocks surfaced the other day when I was looking for something other than hexies to hand stitch, so I finally cut a strip of cream and made another half dozen. Funny what you find when you go looking, isn't it? I'm out of white again so time to cut another strip.

I do have a plan to make a lined bag the same size as this one some day with a decidedly more quilty feel but for now my little black bag will do just fine....M


  1. Such fresh summery greens! Your little black bag has worked just is often difficult to find a size that holds exactly what you want it to do...I wonder if anyone has ever taken a count of how many little bags quilters have to hold “stuff” - on average?? Betting we would be amazed!

  2. Lovely blocks in the perfect carrying case. It isn't as easy as one would think to find just the right size bag that's not too big. I must say those tumbling blocks do look exquisite.

  3. A little black dress, a little black bag, are classic. It is amazing what you can find when you go digging around alittle. Sometimes it's good not to look too deep!


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