Monday, April 23, 2018

What To Do? What to Do?

A few months ago Anne gave me a pile of lovely 6.5" blocks in this pretty green print (she thinks that they may have come from Jane) and, despite having a list of projects the length of my arm on my wish list I became obsessed with doing something with them so that they didn't sink into oblivion (if you saw my sewing room you would understand!).

Puss in the Corner quilt blocks: QuiltBee
I knew that it would be a charity quilt and I also knew that I wanted to make the most of the pieces that are cut - 32, I believe. So, what to do?

Puss in the Corner quilt blocks: QuiltBee
I trolled Pinterest long and hard and had made up my mind on a pattern several different times...

Puss in the Corner quilt blocks: QuiltBee
...finally landing on Puss in the Corner blocks to alternate with them. It means that I don't cut into the existing blocks and hopefully also means that it will work out the way I think it will.

Puss in the Corner quilt blocks: QuiltBee
I'm using up lots of yellow scraps and think that I will incorporate blues and greens into the borders to pick up on the other colours in the print. Still have to plan the layout but at least putting these blocks together is a start....M


  1. Marie, I don't think I have ever seen that fabric before, and it did not come from my stash. It is another mystery to be solved.

  2. Looks like a good beginning.

  3. hi Marie,
    What to do, what to do?! I think you came up with a great solution. Someone will love it very much.
    ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. This is so pretty! Can totally understand why you wanted to use these green squares and the block you chose is wonderful in its simplicity. It's going to be super sweet when finished. Probably very hard to give away!

  5. Love the hand quilting and those churn dashes are adorable. My kind of project!


  6. Lovely pile of squares, sweet wee blue flowers on it, looks like a 1950s fabric? I think quiet a difficult fabric to make fit in but you are achieving it with your yellow churn dash blocks which are lovely too. Looking forward to seeing it finished. Cheers Glenda.


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