Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Pretty in Pink

pink cross stitched quilt: QuiltBee
Quilts can hold so many mysteries. Betty and Steve were visiting with Steve's cousin Anne and her husband recently and the conversation came around to a quilt that mom had quilted for Anne's mom.

pink cross stitched quilt: QuiltBee
Anne is not a quilter but she has a beautiful, delicate pink cross stitched quilt that her mother left her.

pink cross stitched quilt: QuiltBee
We know that mom did the quilting but there's no one left to tell us who did all of that beautiful cross stitch. Anne feels that her mom paid someone to do it, but who?

pink cross stitched quilt: QuiltBee
All of the quilting is also done with pink thread...

and the backing is pink too, which nicely shows off the quilted pattern.

pink cross stitched quilt: QuiltBee
This quilt is reminiscent of one that I started years ago in blue but I have no idea what happened to it. That was another lifetime ago. It came from the Mary Maxim catalog (Betty recalls many fond hours flipping through those catalogs, as do I) and I suspect that this one did too.

Isn't it great that Betty and Anne's friendship is made that much richer with these shared stitches, even if there are a few pieces of the story missing? The ties that bind....M


  1. That quilt is so beautiful, both the cross-stitching and the gorgeous hand quilting. And made even more so by the story and precious memories wrapped up in it.

  2. Oh my goodness what a beautiful quilt and so wonderful to have and treasure. Sounds like its going to keep its secrets. Thank you for sharing it. Loved seeing it x

  3. The quilt is beautiful and is a family treasure. It's the kind of story that reminds us of the importance of labeling our work.

  4. A beautiful quilt and a treasured heirloom.

  5. What to do, what to do?! I think you came up with a great solution. Someone will love it very much.
    Genting Crown


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