Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Happy New Year from the Trimming Table!

Much as I was looking forward to getting some sewing done over the holidays I did as much pressing and trimming as anything. This happy little pile of Snippets trimmings looked enough like confetti to double as a celebratory burst to use in wishing you a very happy and healthy 2018 (2018 - how did that happen?!). If you are like me, you are already making stitching plans for the new year, probably more plans than will actually get made, but that's half the fun of it, isn't it?

Now that the rotary cutting has been set aside I've got lots and lots of blocks to play with.

Several times as my eyes rolled into the back of my head with boredom I was tempted to stop trimming and put a few blocks together but I was determined to get all of the trimming done first. Now the real fun begins with lots of different block layouts.....M


  1. Oh the trimming.... It has to be one of the most tedious jobs!! Looks like you're ready to move ahead now!

  2. Cutting and trimming are always tedious, but you have a beautiful bunch of blocks to work with now.

  3. Such a pretty block it is going to be and such fresh looking fabrics. Great quilting Christmas gifts as well. Here’s to another happy Stitching year!

  4. When you see a huge pile of snippets, you know there's some exciting sewing ahead.


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