Friday, January 05, 2018

Borrowing From the Neighbours

Snippets quilt - QuiltbeeSnippets blocks are starting to come together. I'm lovin' the scrappiness.

Snippets quilt blocks - Quiltbee
There's a little bit of everything in it...
Sujata Shah used a phrase in her book Cultural Fusion Quilts that has stuck with me as a good reminder of how to create depth - use two or three shades of the same colour. She calls it 'borrowing from the neighbours'. Works like a charm.

I've also used a few checks and different scales of print. Every block is different (sort of like that old commercial for Bits & Bites, where every handful is a different combination 😏).

chicken pot pie - Quiltbee
I also took my first stab at making Chicken Pot Pie. We've been enduring the cold wave that seems to have a grip on most of North America and I just needed some comfort food. I don't think that I've ever made Pot Pie before but I definitely will again. This recipe is to die for and had the Official Cookie Tester coming back for seconds. Instead of making individual pies I just made one large one and it worked out well. Stay warm!...M


  1. Love the scrappiness! The tip about borrowing from the neighbors is a good one, I'll give that a try on the my next scrapt quilt.

  2. The blocks are very pretty. I haven't made pot pie in years, when I did make it, I always made a large pie. Just easier I guess. Happy Stitching!

  3. Scrappy goodness along with crusty goodness!

  4. Mmmmm...chicken pot pie! One of my most favorite cold weather meals! :-) Lots of scrappy perfection in that quilt! :-)


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