Friday, November 10, 2017

The Holly Bazaar

Well, today was the day - the Holly Bazaar. All of the frantic last minute sewing was set aside for a couple of all-out evenings of baking, and soon this...

and this...

were replaced with this...


and this. Lots of favourites along with a new (and delicious) recipe for Cherry-Pecan Oatmeal Cookies. So. Good. Makes me want to make a cup of tea just thinking about them.

My bowl of Moravian Stars had grown to a little over 30 and they all got strings.

And a collection of the table toppers and pot holders were pulled together for the craft table too. I think I sent 10 toppers and the rest will go to the Madonna House Christmas gift shop.

By all accounts the Bazaar was another success. Over 200 people enjoyed a delicious ham and scalloped potato lunch on a surprisingly chilly afternoon, stocked up on home baked goodies, did a little Christmas shopping and enjoyed the company of friends. It's almost like finishing a quilt though - all of a sudden I feel like I don't know what to do with myself now that I'm off deadline. Fear not, that will change!...M

p.s. Next time I'll show you how I quilted the pinwheel toppers and a Christmas hexie topper that got added to the mix.


  1. Sounds like the bazaar was a great success, due in part to all your seeing and baking!

  2. Great job Marie! Where did you get those cute red and white bags that you wrapped the loaves in? I think I need some of them. thanks!

  3. What an awesome accomplishment! Glad it was a success.


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