Monday, November 06, 2017

A Bowl Full of Stars

There's a lovely bowl of stars on the go for the Holly Bazaar. I like to make some kind of ornament for the craft table and didn't make any felt birds or hearts this year, so I thought I'd give these a try.

Years ago (I'm talking when I was in high school, so years) we learned how to make Moravian Stars (or Scandinavian Stars, or German Stars, depending on who you ask) and they have sat in the back of my mind as something I'd like to try again. This is one that I made way back when and somehow it has managed to stay intact through all the moves and shuffling about in my life to date.

I started out with printed instructions but just kept getting stumped at a certain point; then I found a great YouTube tutorial. You can use almost any paper - something with a little slippage/gloss to it is good - but I like the look of the white so I'm just using legal sized printer paper cut into half inch strips (I'm using an old blade).

That's not to say that there weren't several false starts (or is that 'false stars'?).


I think that being left-handed was messing me up because as much as I had the instructions in front of me I seemed to want to rotate things in the opposite direction. So, back to the video, over and over, pausing after every step, and finally I think that I have mastered it.

In the video the gal talks about the need to just repeat, repeat, repeat to embed the instructions in your brain, and she is bang on.

It takes me about 15 minutes to make one so now instead of trolling Pinterest while waiting for meals to cook I put together a star or two, and they start adding up. They need strings attached yet, so I'll get on that. I think they would make a gorgeous little garland for the mantle....M


  1. Those are cute and will look adorable strung together.

  2. Your stars are wonderful! I had a friend make me three many years ago and they are still one of my favorite Tree ornaments!

  3. Your bowl of stars looks so nice and kudos to you for your diligence. Thanks for the video link - I hope it will help me make one or two of these stars - I seem to have a mental block when trying to make one.

  4. I can't believe you still have one of your originals -- then again, I can. Lovely. Makes me think I should make some.

  5. I followed a pattern to make some of these stars many years ago. I didn't know they were Moravian stars. I called them Ohio stars because they reminded me of the quilt block and because I was making them in Ohio. I like your colored one.


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