Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Things Are Greening Up

Whenever I can duck into the sewing room I've been putting together two or three Bowties at a time and my pile is starting to add up.

Here, in no particular order, is what I have so far. This is a fun block.

I'm using two different neutrals in each block, as compared to Maryse's approach where both neutrals in a block were from the same print and I'm liking the effect.

It softens up the overall layout and make it all that much more scrappy.

Love these little mice!....M


  1. I love bow tie blocks but I have none of them :( one was given away and I sold a different one - I guess I will need to make another one day

  2. Most of your neutrals are subtle so it's not looking overly busy. Lookin' good!

  3. Great start on your blocks. This is going to be such a fun and scrappy quilt. I pulled a bunch of scraps to start one for our quilt ministry yesterday. Can't wait to get started.

  4. Fun! What happens with the triangle pieces you trim off? Are they large enough for HST's? Be sure to share your continued progress on Midweek Makers!

  5. wow!!
    love your blocks and the tips!

    thanks so much for linking up!

  6. The blocks are looking fantastic! It's been a while since I've done some bow-tie blocks. So many projects...never enough time. Thanks for sharing! --Andrea

  7. Love the two-different-neutrals-per-block effect. It will be fun to see this quilt grow. ;^)

  8. You know...I like the 2 different neutrals too! I'm not sure I would have thought of doing that, but the scrappiness of this is just lovely.

  9. It looks great!! I love your idea of using different neutrals. It is a fun block to make and it comes together rather fast too.

  10. Things are definitely greening up. The two different neutrals is a great idea and does add to the scrappiness without distracting.


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