Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Last One

My summer evenings have seen me struggling to get my hexies together for Anna Levens.

As the piece gets larger I'm finding it more challenging to hold it properly so that I can sew everything together, so I've resorted to laying it out on the table and working from a flat surface, but I have to say EPP is not my thing. No-sir-eeeee!

It could be because I use a ladder stitch rather than a whip stitch to join them (I do that for my bindings as well), but whatever the reason I find the whole process much more time consuming that just picking up hand stitching and going to town.

That said, I'm happy to report that there's only one more to go and this centre panel will be together; then I'll need to finish up the border of small cream hexies around the entire thing. I'm trying not to think about how many hexies I have to add after that.

All of this hand stitching can work up an appetite so on the weekend we experimented with pizza on the BBQ. My sister Frances was in town so she made up the dough and then we topped it with prosciutto, peaches and mozarella; when it came off the grill we added arugula and a balsamic drizzle. YUM! We had enjoyed this while visiting our friends Rhonda & Brian a couple of weeks ago and I was dying to try it - thanks for the inspiration Rhonda. If you are not into making the dough you can use flatbread and it works equally well, you just won't need as much time on the barbie....M


  1. I think you are going to need a bigger table for that hexi quilt. Good on you for persevering with it though. It will look fabulous, are you going to hand quilt it? That pizza sounds rather delicious too, I'm hanging out for summer and the fruit that comes with that season. Thanks for linking to Sew, Stitch, Snap, SHARE.

  2. So much work for these hexies but they are beautiful! It will be a wonderful quilt when finished. The pizza looks marvelous. Have heard good things about it!

  3. I thought I was the only one who used ladder stitch. It would be difficult with paper piecing but your work looks great. Enjoy the pizza.

  4. your hexies are lovely- the fabrics are wonderful. I like paper piecing

  5. Your stitching is lovely and the hexies are coming together. Keep persevering. Your pizza looks super yummy and the combo sounds wonderful.

  6. For someone who doesn't like to EPP you have taken on a BIG project. I feel a bit like that about applique. I was going to make a huge applique quilt this year but one still uncompleted block into the project I have decided this one block can be the centre of a medallion quilt. Time to move on with something else.


  7. Hi Marie,
    Your hexies are lovely. I am not a fan of EPP at all - my issue is the joining them together. I am sending you all kinds of good vibes for motivation on this project. I look forward to seeing your progress and completion. That pizza looks delicious!! YUM. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Your work is beautiful! You are dedicated.
    And that pizza makes me hungry, I'm going to start dinner now.

  9. Your Anna Levens quilt is so pretty, I love EPP but am forcing myself to try more regular hand piecing too.

  10. Your Anna levels is looking amazing and exciting to be getting close to the end.
    Very interesting pizza.... sounds delicious


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