Saturday, March 11, 2017

Just Sayin'

When you get a Pinterest message like, "This would make a cute potholder. Just sayin'.", you really don't have much of a choice but to make one, do you? Jane doesn't remember sending it, but send it she did, and now she's the happy owner of her very own hexie pumpkin potholder.

Love it! All those oranges together are just so happy! She loves it too.

It's a hand stitching project that I picked up periodically throughout the fall; 60 hexies later it's a potholder that measures 7" x 8".

Betty thought I was insane, but the hexies are the same size that I am using for Minnie, about 5/8", so I was accustomed to working with this size. The leaf and stem hexies didn't come out as well as they could have (the stem should have been a darker brown to stand out against the pumpkin), but you get the idea.

I believe a little squeal of delight was heard coming from the sewing room when I uncovered this great little gingham to bind it with.

It is backed with the same cheery fabric.

I offered to make a second one for her so that she'd have a matching pair but she is happy with one and will pair it up with another pumpkin potholder that I gave her a few years ago. Maybe I need one....M


  1. That is too pretty to use and get dirty:)

  2. So cute! I would hang it up in my kitchen rather than using it!

  3. Now I need one too. Thanks for the inspiration. ;^)

  4. Cute! I adore that plaid fabric you used to finish it off. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  5. Wow! What a delightful pumpkin. That's a lot of little hexies!

  6. Yep, too pretty to use! 8)

  7. What a generous heart you have! Such pretty work! You skills are amazing! Love that backing and binding fabric! Thank you for sharing! Visiting you from Oh Scrap! at Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework!

  8. I agree with all of the other commenters who said it is too pretty to use. I will hang it up in my kitchen every fall. Thanks Marie.


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