Thursday, March 09, 2017

Freezing Rain Warning

We've had an interesting mix of weather lately, to say the least, and a couple of days ago that included yet another freezing rain warning, which ultimately lived up to its promise. That meant that Anne's curling was cancelled so she headed down to her sewing room to work on more Disappearing Four Patch blocks.

It seems to have been just the push she needed because she not only finished up all of the blocks...

she got the top sewn together. And there are enough blocks left over to make a table runner, with one block to spare.

She's laid it out in the same way that I did mine and is thrilled with it. That pretty blue plaid next to it will be the backing. It's going to be another charity quilt and I know that whoever receives it will be as tickled with it as she is, so, moral of the story: maybe freezing rain isn't all bad....M

1 comment:

  1. The freezing rain definitely didn't dampen or chill the bright summery colors of this quilt. Great job.


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