Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Lots More Cookies

I always follow up the baking at our Cookie Bakeoff with several more batches when I get home because there just isn't enough time to bake everything that I want to in one day and I need a good supply for tins that we give as Christmas gifts. So, the KitchenAid came home but didn't get further than the island, and it's been in regular service since Sunday.

Lori asked me at the Bakeoff how much more baking I'd be doing and I couldn't give her a straight answer - the best I could mutter was 'when I have enough' - so I kept track. The answer surprised me - just under 650 so far! Can you tell that I have a hard time saying 'no' to my favourites???!

Eleven different recipes were baked up, several repeats from last year like Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread, Pecan Shortbread and Toblerone Shortbread...

Mother Bauer's Rum Cookies...

and Fanciful Ribbons, which I made for the first time last year. These were a hit and are easy to make - even easier than I remember the first time around.

And then there were a few that I hadn't made in a couple of years, like Paradise Macaroons...

Grand Marnier Glazed Pain D'Epice and Cranberry Chocolate Chippers (these are the Chippers, one of Betty's faves)....

and pretty Heart Cookies packed with raspberry jam.

My favourite nephew loves very plain cookies so I dug up mom's Shortbread recipe. I have the cookie press that she used but it can be a little brutal on the wrist and hands sometimes so I thought I'd try Fran's electric cookie press. Bad move.

In short order the Fancy Cake Froster was pumping out the beautiful little heart shortbreads that we looked forward to every Christmas when we were growing up and each was topped with a single large silver dragee.

It feels like I have butter embedded in every pore of my body so it's a sign that it might be time to quit. There are two more recipes that I'd like to bake - Pecan Tassies and Fudge Brownie Cups - but they will need to wait til tomorrow. After that it's all over except for the Cream Puff Ring for Christmas Eve - we can't forget that!....M


  1. do you have recipes for these cookies posted somewhere? they look wonderful!

  2. Marie, you are just amazing, and your cookies look beautiful. I have not baked a single cookie yet, but I hope to make some this Sunday. Wrapped all the gifts for Alberta last night so I could get those in the mail today.

  3. thanks for updating with links to the recipes - I appreciate it!

  4. Oh my goodness. You are the top notch Christmas cookie Baker!

  5. Wow! And I bet your home smells amazing!!! All of these look so delicious! This weekend is baking time for here... I just may try one or two recipes from the list you provided here! Marry Christmas!!!

  6. Wow!!! What beautiful cookies! You are a cookie baking machine! How many Toblerone do you put in a batch? And does icing sugar = powdered sugar? Great job!!!

  7. You are a cookie making machine!


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