Sunday, December 11, 2016

Group Photo

Five of the large hexies for Anna Levens are now together so it seemed like a good enough reason to take a group photo and see how well they play with each other.

By and large I'm really happy with them but there is one that concerns me.

This was the last one that I added to the pile.

There will be a ring of cream hexies separating each of these blocks and I'm not sure that the cream border that I put on this block is going to be strong enough. I'm thinking that maybe a violet or a muddygreen/brown might have been a better choice.

So, as a little insurance, I didn't trim it yet.

I'll make the last two and then once I decide on the cream that joins everything up I'll see if I need to redo this one.

But for most of today they will sit on the arm of my chair because I've got cookie tins to fill for gifts to a few friends.

The KitchenAid is primed and ready to go and with any luck at all I will get much of what I need baked finished up by end of day today. I put three pans of Social Tea Squares in the freezer last night and there are five batches of dough in the fridge, so I've got a bit of a headstart. Wish me luck!...M


  1. Marie, these are so beautiful.
    How do you find time to work, sew, bake, etc. :)

  2. You may need to pick a different colour for between your blocks but I love each of your blocks!

  3. So lovely! All of them are just beautiful! What I see in the group photo is the red one is the only one with a lighter coloured contour. The other hexies in light brown are reading darker than the blue background of its center. The cream hexies are framing a toile that has a much darker background. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say here. Anywho! It doesn't change the fact that they are gorgeous! ;^)

  4. What a beautiful project. You choose the most beautiful flower fabric for this.

  5. It's good to be open, just in case you need to make a change. The blocks are coming along. It's a wonderful project.

  6. I do love these blocks and it will be interesting to see how they all look with your final cream. I hope your baking session went well!


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