Sunday, October 09, 2016

Thankful and Blessed

Thanksgiving always gives me pause. It is that very necessary reminder that I am blessed. One quick peek into my sewing room is only one small example of just how blessed I am - so much fabric. It's a symbol of the luxury of living in a country where peace and democracy are the order of the day and a reminder that we live in a land of plenty. Millions around the world do not enjoy these basic pleasures.

So this weekend we are giving thanks, and as we gathered around the dinner table last evening to share our harvest feast the din of chatter and peals of laughter drove that message home. We savoured our traditional pumpkin pie...

and also celebrated (belatedly) two family birthdays, Anne's and Ted's (my favourite nephew :) ). I love a chocolate birthday cake but Ted prefers vanilla, so vanilla it was, and the perfect excuse to try out a new recipe - Buttermilk Vanilla Cake with a Buttercream Icing. I liked it yesterday, but I like it even more today. The buttermilk keeps it nice and moist and the icing works beautifully. Another reason to be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving!....M


  1. Nice post, Marie, and thanks for sharing your recipe.

  2. What a great reminder of our many blessings! Happy happy Thanksgiving to you and all your friends and family! And that cake looks scrumptious!!

  3. Well said. We have so very much to be thankful for, every day of the year.

  4. Yum! And yes, so very much to be thankful for.:)

  5. What wonderful thoughts along with yummy desserts!

  6. A lovely, thankful post. Yes we are indeed the fortunate ones to live with many blessings. Thanks for that recipe link...we can never seem to get enough for cakes.

  7. Thanks for the great desserts! Enjoyed two days of traditional Thanksgiving breakfasts: homemade pumpkin pie. Yum!

  8. The cake looks fantastic! Such a sweet post ♥


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