Friday, October 14, 2016

A Flurry of Bindings

The Queen of Bindings has been holding court in my house lately - at least that's what it feels like because all three Christmas table toppers are ready to be bound, which means making lots of binding. But that's okay because I found a great new way to cut bias binding. It's all in how you fold the fabric.

I've tried the 'tube' method but find it both confusing and cumbersome - the last time I attempted it things did not end well. Since then I've taken to just starting in the corner of my fabric and cutting 2" strips on a 45-degree angle until I think I have enough, but that gets a little awkward on my small table when the strips start getting really long, and it's not the fastest trick in the book.

Enter Roberta. When I picked up a quilt recently she made me wise to this great method from Heather of Anka's Treasures. It's quite simple - so simple that I almost don't believe it.

Take a piece of fabric, make a 45-degree fold and then using that bias fold line, fold the two outer tips towards each other taking care to keep all of the folds aligned along the initial fold line. Once you have a rectangle just trim near the folds and then cut strips the width that you want, 2" in my case. Confused? Heather has kindly created a handout that you can print for easy reference.

Am I the last to find this out??? And do these people stay up all night figuring this stuff out (like the instructions for making four flying geese at one time)? I don't know, but I'm really glad if they do. Give it a try - you'll love it!....M

1 comment:

  1. Great tip! Thanks for sharing! Very cute table toppers! Love the red polka dot, too!

    Blessings and hugs!


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