Saturday, October 22, 2016

One For You, and One For Me

Thanks to everyone who took the time to leave your wonderful comments in celebration of my blog anniversary - I loved hearing from you and finding out what your favourite part of the quilting process is (sounds like cutting isn't very high on anyone's list!). It's all a process, and a wonderful one at that, and that came through loud and clear. I'd have to say that my favourite part is hand sewing; I find it wonderfully relaxing and always rewarding.

So, on to the giveaway. The Official Cookie Tester has done his duty and we have a winner of the hexie pincushion and fabric - Kyle from Timeless Reflections will soon be receiving a little parcel in the mail. I hope you enjoy both of them Kyle.

And I've had a little bit of an anniversary gift too. I've made a second pincushion for me in a different print. It seemed like a great way to mark the occasion. But, as Nancy said in her comment, I'm not sure that I could put a pin in the bee - I think I'll have to work around it!....M


  1. I will be surprised if you can stop at only two of those. They are so cute, and a very satisfying little project.

  2. I agree with Susan - and I think they would make gorgeous ornaments for the Christmas tree!

  3. Such a pretty pincushion in those fabrics, beware they are very addictive!
    Happy blogaversary too..hope there are many more to follow!

  4. That gorgeous pincushion couldn't go to a better or more perfect winner! Lucky Kyle!

  5. Oh, what a treat! I think I might have to put a little extra honey in my tea!

  6. Is the pincushion an original pattern or can I purchase it? Happy blog anniversary.

  7. Lovely little project,I also like the idea of Christmas ornaments!

  8. It's lovely! The fabric matches the thread perfectly!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.