Thursday, October 27, 2016

Dropping Hints

There's more sewing to be done for the Holly Bazaar but I've been on the road this week for work so nothing is getting done. Mother Nature decided to drop a hint that I'm running out of time because today (yes, October 27!) we got our first snowfall. Eeeeek! There's more than frost on my pumpkins. It's too early, but very pretty and it's going to get warm again so it won't last, but I got the hint.

I've another square star table topper cut and ready to sew, but this one is not in Christmas fabrics. The gals at the church suggested that all of the craft items don't need to be holiday themed so I'm going to try one that is a little more summery.

It all started with this fabric, which will be the backing. It's a cute little seed packet print and I think will work well in a kitchen.

Last Saturday we made 172 apple pies at the church as part of the fundraising efforts for the bazaar and as we rolled out dough one of the gals asked if I'd do a custom order for her in golds and silvers - not a combination that I would have thought of but I think I have enough variety to make one so I'm anxious to see how it turns out. Nothing for that one is cut yet, just the fabrics pulled.

She's also interested in a white and aqua one I started last fall with Jane when we were doing improv trees. I'll need to see if I can dig it out and try and finished in time too. November 10 will be here before I know it! Pitter patter, time to get at 'er!.....M


  1. I feel it too. The feeling that I am running late. I saw the white rabbit cross my backyard when I was just sitting in the dining room, looking at the lovely snow fall. Wait! What? Snow fall in October? And I do remember two other years when we had snow in October. Hurry! Hurry! Petal to the metal! Sew! Sew! ;^)

  2. No snow here but we have had some heavy frosts. You are in full production mode with all of your projects! Good luck with the church bazaar.

  3. I am not ready for snow. Glad yours was just a smattering. How many pies?!? Wow! Doing a few custom projects is a fun way to try new color combos, but also a challenge at the same time. Looks like you've pulled some good fabrics. (I can't get over the number of pies!!!)

  4. Love your fabric choices ♥


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