Sunday, August 14, 2016

Spring Garden In The Middle Of Summer

Anne has been doing a little happy dance lately because she's put the finishing touches on her Spring Garden quilt, and it's soooo pretty.

This is a pattern that I created a while back that she was anxious to try and had lots of fun with it.

Three really easy blocks combine to make up the pattern - nine patches, four patches and a square in a square. It's a wonderful way to use up those little scraps and the variety is what makes it.

In addition to using the square in a square blocks for the outside round of blocks they are used again with a white border to create the 'lace' that sits between the centre and the outer green border. I thought long and hard as to how I might make that transition as the first one was going together and was thrilled when this idea came to me.

It's going to be backed with the same green print as she has used for the outer border and it's now ready to be basted, so she'll have a quilt to put on the frame for the winter. She's already talking about making another one!....M


  1. Anne did an AWESOME!! job! Love it! Thanks Marie for sharing. ;^)

  2. It's a delightful summer quilt blowing in the breeze. Lots of summery colors.


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