Saturday, August 13, 2016

Piping Hot!

Not sure if this a good thing or a bad thing, but I think that my fabric is starting to talk to me!

I was pulling fabrics for a new HST project (the Holly Bazaar is suddenly able to be seen on the distant horizon...) and found a shirt that I had picked up at VV Boutique that hasn't been cut up yet, so I cut a block from one of the arms. As I turned the shirt over I noticed 'Piping Hot!' printed across the back yoke. Too funny! This has been a screaming hot summer for us so the message was very appropriate. The fabric didn't make it into the final selection but I had a good little chuckle. Maybe I need to get out more...

So, we've been looking for as many ways to cool down as we can. I've had a hankering for a bowl of soup but didn't want something hot so I landed on making Ina Garten's gazpacho. It was just the ticket - fast, easy, and all made in a food processor.

I used the recipe in my cookbook but it made a HUGE batch - it said serves six but serves 16 would have been more accurate. The link that I've provided takes you to a recipe that looks like it has been cut in half so if you make it you won't be eating it for a month.

Back to my HST project for a minute. Here's a little bit of what I've been up to. I'm still playing with it but it's coming along nicely.....M


  1. How funny to see those words printed on the fabric, and that you should find the shirt today. We are having a miserably hot spell in Cental Ohio, too. I'm so thankful for air conditioning. (I grew up without it more than half a century ago.)
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  2. Too funny about the message on the shirt. You'll have to save it for just the right project. I saved the gazpacho recipe. Ina's recipes are always good. Nice hst's. They're coming along!

  3. Gazpacho was delicious - thanks! I always think I don't like cold soup -- but then I realize it's simply stewed tomatoes and duh!


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