Monday, July 18, 2016

The First Half

I'm at that stage where a quilt goes from being pieces to feeling like the beginnings of a quilt. You know because the weight of the piece that you're working with has shifted and suddenly it's something more substantial than just a pile of blocks. There's the hint of what it will be when it is quilted and on a bed.

There were six rows of seven blocks.

Three rows are now joined with sashing so there's three more to add and then the star border.



  1. Now, that is a lot of hand stitching! It's looking great!

  2. It's always a fun and sometimes interesting transformation.

  3. This is looking lovely! and so exciting to be nearly there! How big will it be?

  4. It's going to be a beauty!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.