Saturday, July 16, 2016

Going Bananas

Well, the Candied Hexagons backing is together so I say that's reason to celebrate. Or bake. But first we'll look at the backing a bit.

It's nothing original - just four vertical strips in differing widths. My only criteria was that the pink be along the sides so that it would carry over into setting triangles that are in the same colour, so I split a width of fabric, added a narrow strip of green and a width of the dark rose. There is enough of the light pink left to bind it with so I'm happy about that.

I'm going to hand quilt it but wasn't keen on rolling around on the floor to baste it - it's tough on the knees. I contacted Roberta to see if she could baste it on the longarm and she is happy to oblige. This one is HUGE: 90 x 107"!!! WHAT was I thinking??? Can you say king sized?

Then it was time to bake. I've been surrounded by ripe bananas lately, lots of them, so I made a Banana Chocolate Chip Loaf. Then I made a Banana Pecan Loaf and froze it. Still bananas hanging around. I've never baked bananas into a cookie before but found this great recipe for Banana Oatmeal Cookies with Chocolate Chips so I gave them a go.

I also broke in my new mini cookie spatula that Jane gave me for my birthday and it works like a charm.

Butter is my fat of choice when baking but I decided to follow the recipe exactly, so I used shortening. I also used only one cup of chocolate chips and it was plenty. The cinnamon and nutmeg are a nice addition and the banana will keep them nice and moist.

The Official Cookie Tester swung into action and declared them a hit. I seconded the motion by having two of them fresh from the oven....M


  1. It appears you didn't go bananas with piecing your backing and used a bunch of different fabrics, and the official cookie tester found your latest recipe very a-peeling.

  2. Nothing is more boring to me than piecing a backing. Happy you had enough fabrics for it. Thanks for sharing this new-to-me recipe as I have bananas on the counter-top, aged to perfection for a muffin or cookie recipe. ;^)

  3. The backing going over in the front will look really nice. The cookies look delicious and the other banana sweets you made sound even better!


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