Saturday, April 23, 2016

Slow Mo

As my cold clears up I'm slowly getting to the point where I am even the slightest bit interested in putting something together, and that's a nice change. Nothing huge, but a start. I joined my three scrappy basket blocks with mismatched pieces of sashing and laid them out with the picot border.

Because I just sewed my border HSTs to a size that I liked and not necessarily one based on the basket block size I'm going to need to insert a sashing along the edges to make everything fit. That's been too much math for me to get my head around lately so I think what I'll do is just sew a long 2.5" strip of neutrals together to keep things scrappy and then trim what I need to so that everything fits.

I need to lay it all out on a larger table to work on it so that I have at least half a chance of getting the dimensions right. And as I look at the photos I'm starting to wonder if I need to add the brown floral outer border. More decisions to be made.....M


  1. A border of neutrals is the perfect idea! I'm with you! Such pretty baskets!

  2. I like how you work, Marie, making decisions as you go along. It seems a flexible and adaptable way to work. Your baskets look great all together and I'm sure the light, scrappy border will be perfect, especially with the triangles around the edge.

    I hope you'll feel all better soon.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  3. A good sign that you are on the road to recovery - sewing again! I like the work it out as I go approach too, even if I work it out, I like to have the wiggle room for when the maths fails!

  4. It's always interesting to see where we are led

  5. Hi Marie: what a nasty bug that has put a damper on your creative mojo and happy to hear you can see a light at the end of it. Love what you are doing with the baskets and light border. I would love to see you bring more of that beautiful brown floral into the outside of the piece--it would be a "framing" for it. Nice work, love it. Lindiana xo


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