Monday, April 25, 2016

Another Beauty From Betty

Is this not just one of the prettiest quilts that you have ever seen? And isn't that little pup holding it in place just the sweetest? This is Baylea inspecting Betty's progress on the star quilt that she's working on, as Baylea always does. When there's a quilt on display she needs to be on top of it, or helping rearrange the pieces. She must be a quilter at heart...

The centre panel of small stars is surrounded by a border of larger stars within a star, each of them a work of art. Then there's a sawtooth border of grey and soft green. And yes, it's all hand sewn.

Here's a close-up of one of the corner blocks. You can see that she has inserted a row of cream entre deux trim, usually used for lingerie, to soften it even more and add great texture.

She brought it out to show us a couple of months ago as she was trying to determine what the design of the next border would be and whether or not the large green floral would suit.

Laid out on the deck you really get to see its full beauty.

On the weekend I snagged a few pics of the next border that she is making with the larger green floral and they are just beautiful - surprise, surprise. I'll share those next time (how's that for a cliff hanger?)....M


  1. That quilt is a work of art--sew, so beautiful. Lindiana

  2. Marie, just to clarify entre deux (between two) is a lace trim used with what is known as the French sewing technique to creatively and effectively join pieces of fine batiste fabric. This style has had popular phases in the American south for well over a century. Ideal for creating fine blouses, dresses, skirts and baby clothing. There's your fibre history lesson of the day.

  3. As for Baylea inspecting all our quilts - I think she's filling in for the spirit of Martha, making sure that we are all staying on track with what she taught us.

  4. Betty's quilt is gorgeous and the softness and low volume is visually so appealing. Can't wait to see what comes next.


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