Tuesday, December 01, 2015

A Great Start to December

Just when I thought I would never see my fabric order (placed in October) with my potential backing for Nantucket, it arrived as the calendar turned to December. And none too soon, as Roberta is now ready to quilt it. It's a great red and coffee toile from the Bon Voyage line by French General that seems to be a commentary on early hot air balloon rides.

Toiles can be an acquired taste but I really like this particular print, which is a relief because when you order online you can't always tell. And the fabric itself is beautiful.

I wasn't sure if it was going to work with the quilt top but a quick trip to Roberta's confirmed that it was ideal so I brought it home, washed it and put the backing together. It's now safely back in Roberta's hands and she will likely quilt it within the week.

Efforts to try and match the pattern were stopped in fairly short order. It was easy enough to match the pattern horizontally but in order to completely match the pattern I would have had to lose about 12" of width. Whaaaaat??? Not sure what the designers were thinking. Anyway, I still love it and am prepared to live with the half match that I've been able to achieve.

Since I had most of my cookie baking supplies still to unpack from our Bakeoff on Saturday I decided it was a good time to start the baking for our gift tins. These Raspberry Ribbons were a new recipe that we tried this year, and, in addition to working up quickly, I think they will look great on a cookie plate so I made a batch of these. The Official Cookie Tester was very happy with the results and didn't need to be convinced to finish up the trimmings from the ends....M


  1. Glad your fabric finally showed up because it will make a terrific backing. Matching a large toile pattern would require a lot of extra fabric. Sometimes it doesn't matter if it matches or not. The official cookie tester must love December!

  2. I didn't use to like Toile at all, but it's growing on me all the time. This looks like a wonderful backing! I wouldn't want to lose that much in order to match things up either. What a waste.:)

    I always get a kick out of the label 'the official cookie tester'. My husband would love the honor, but I rarely bake cookies, bad me!

  3. Beautiful choice. I think toile is definitely a case by case, love some and not others.


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