Sunday, November 29, 2015

One For You, And One For Me

Years ago when I lived in Toronto I loved going to the One of a Kind craft show with my good friends Dawn and Nancy. It continues to be an amazing testament to the talented artisans in this country and was always a great place to do Christmas shopping. It's also where I learned to appreciate Dawn's approach to for you, and one for me. Works like a charm. :)

I decided to apply the same theory to my table toppers. Since I was making one for me, I made a second one at the same time (sound familiar?). Anne had wanted to buy one at the Holly Bazaar but missed out on her chance so this seemed like a great (very belated) birthday prezzie.

I got them quilted but I have to say that it wasn't all smooth sailing - the tension gods were not with me (in the end, two different threads, I think). Actually, there ended up being quite a bit of tension by the end of it all, but not the kind I had in mind. My topper was basically quilted twice because I ripped out much of the first quilting. Not what you are hoping for when you're looking to sit and enjoy hand stitching the binding, but I got there - eventually.

Both are backed with a happy green print and bound with a little red gingham for the final touch of cheer. And I found a great red and white string to use as a hanger for the little red felt hearts so I made a few of those as well.

Thanks for all the great comments on the table topper the last time I posted about it. Several of you asked about the size of blocks that I was using. The prints and the centre white block are 3.5" and I used 2" white squares for the star points. The topper finishes off at 18" square. Now all of you who said you were tempted to try one yourself are good to go....M

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