Saturday, May 02, 2015


After what seems like forever, I finally sat down at the machine and put together the stars for this top which, ironically, went together really quickly because the blocks are so large. I was on a roll, so I started on to the borders. It felt good to finally feel like I was getting something done. The last few weeks have been hurky jerky (sp?) and I just felt like I was spinning my wheels and not really digging in to anything.

And I think that this is the reason. My cutting table has been totally consumed with the pile of fabrics for Danuta's Garden. I haven't really been feeling the love on that one lately either so the cutting stopped, and so did everything else it seems, because that's the table that my machine is on too. The hand sewing was fine, but even that wasn't getting me too excited.

So, in true fashion, I cleared the pile to one side and worked over/around it to cut the borders and get a little sewing done. The centre panel is together it's just to finish up the borders. It feels good to have that blockage cleared, at least a little bit....M

1 comment:

  1. The colors in the star quilt really pop. Pretty quilt! I've finished up a few things recently and tidied up my sewing room. I'm finally ready to start the applique project I meant to start last fall. Making my sewing spaces neat and clutter free always gives me energy.


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