Sunday, May 03, 2015

The Secret To A Fast Finish

Sometimes finishing up a quilt top seems to take an eternity but this star top - I'm going to call it Bohemian Stars - wasn't one of those times. No-sir-eee, this one came together in record time. My secret? Honkin' huge borders.

I really wanted as much of the paisley print to show as possible and also wanted to maximize the size of the quilt, so I made the borders half the width of the fabric, about 20" finished. I'm really happy with the result - it's about 75" x 87", which isn't bad considering I didn't think that my little pile of fat quarters was going to amount to much.

The colours look much better in natural light. For a while I was a little worried that the border print was too muddy for the prints in the star blocks, but all is well when you take it above ground :).

Love how the white stars sparkle against the colours of dusk.

It will be backed with the paisley as well so I'll put that together and bundle it off to Betty. She wants to quilt it and I'm looking forward to seeing what she comes up with....M


  1. Fantastic colors and the wide borders will give your quilter a lot of creative space. Can't wait to see what she has in mind.

  2. Huge honkin' borders, love it! I think the star blocks really pop against the border. Cute quilt!

  3. The border looks fantastic with the quilt! Excellent choice!

  4. Don't often see such a wide border but it works really well on this one. Very nice.

  5. I love a nice wide border on a quilt because it provides so much space to add fabulous quilting designs. The name you've chosen is perfect and this is going to be a really fabulous quilt. What will you bind it with I wonder!

  6. Love it! And love the name.

    I am on the second half of Fruit Salad now -- will see how much pull the garden has on my stitching progress.

    This one will be fun to quilt.


  7. well done. The wider border showcases the paisley beautifully and love the pop of the white stars.
    Hooray for a finish!


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