Monday, February 02, 2015

Sweet Charity

While most of North America was prepping for their Super Bowl party yesterday Anne and I decided to get together and work on a new baby quilt. It was also an excuse for me to drop off a small design board that I had made for her with the cuttings from my insulation panels. The panel is about 4 x 5 feet, so a good size to use for smaller projects.

The inspiration for the fabrics started with this deal that I had snagged the day before - $5 a metre is just too good for me to refuse so I picked up enough to back a few baby quilts.

And these were the fabrics that I pulled to go with it. Anne had a few blues and turquoises that we added to the mix and we used Kona Snow for the sashing between the blocks. A nice cheery collection to ward off the really chilly temps we've been enduring of late.

We started with 5" blocks so by the time they were sewn and trimmed they were 4.5". It took the afternoon but by the time I left we had all the blocks cut, sewn, and half of the white borders added and Anne was starting to sew together rows. It's darned cute, if I do say so myself.

Anne paints as well as quilts so, clever girl that she is, she set up her easel to hold the design board and positioned it right next to the sewing machine, which really moved things along quite nicely. I think she's going to get great use out of her new toy.....M

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for the beautiful and useful gift Marie. I love it! It is so cool to be able to have all the blocks within arm's reach. So much more convenient than having to pop up and get the next row of blocks. I am sure the quilts will just fly off the new board now. And I love this pattern. It's loads of fun watching it come together.


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