Friday, January 30, 2015

Strippy Blues: X Block

Within two or three feet of my chair in the sewing room I can reach out and touch any number of WIPs. They run the gamut of incompletion, ranging from piles of leftovers all the way to 'almost finished'.

Well, there has recently been a 'laying on of hands' to the pile of blue and grey leftover strips from Sea Glass to take it to the next level. I had made four wonky Log Cabin blocks with chartreuse centres for a pillow from some of them but there are still lots left.

I have long loved this scrappy Rainbow Connection quilt from Amy at Diary of a Quilter, and the other day I came across this tutorial from Leigh at Leedle Deedle Quilts which is the same one that Amy used, so, Tutorial + Strips = New Project!

Mine will be much more muted than Amy's (though some day I want to do a bright version) and there aren't enough strips to make a quilt, so I think it will be a table runner. The blocks are 6" finished so I might do three across - I'll see what it looks like. It's relatively mindless sewing but feels so good to move through that pile. That said, I'm amazed at how long the pile is lasting. I thought I might have enough to do a cushion, i.e. four 6-inch blocks, but there will be lots more than that....M


  1. I like how those strips are creating something new. It's a neat block. Have fun!

  2. I love these blocks made with the muted blues and greys! Too bad there aren't enough scraps to make a quilt of X's with sashing in between but a table runner would be just as nice!


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