Tuesday, December 30, 2014

One Last Look

Well, Fly Away Home is now complete and I have to say that it's difficult taking my eyes off it. It is just such a happy quilt and I'm thrilled to have it moved into the 'finished' column so that we can start enjoying it every day.

The last of the binding was sewn down last night and finishes it off beautifully (thanks again, Jane, for spotting that fabric!).

Here's a close-up of the quilting pattern so that you get a sense of the swirls that run throughout - just a little bit feathered but not overdone.

And another.

At times when I was sewing these flying geese I was thinking that it was just going to look like a dog's breakfast because I'm a tad anal and was having trouble getting them all trimmed to suit. When I see them all together it is hard to believe that I fretted so much - I should learn from this, shouldn't I? Anyway, as I've said a few hundred times before, luv, luv, luv it!....M


  1. This quilt is definitely worthy of all your love, it's beautiful.

  2. Oh, yes, you should love it. It's the perfect quilting pattern. It lets the piecing be the star.

  3. A beautiful quilt and the quilting is absolutely the perfect finish! Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Marie: your quilt turned out to be so beautiful and the perfect Christmas quilt to display and use. Looking at your site today makes me want to start another quilt.....but will try and finish the ones I've started. All the best in 2015, yours in quilting, Linda xox

  5. Your quilt is beautiful and the quilting is perfect! Love those colours too!

  6. Congrats! Have a very happy New Year!

  7. I luv luv luv it, too.
    Hugs and Happy New Year


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