Saturday, December 27, 2014

Holiday Stitching

Despite my best efforts, the closest my Fly Away Home got to being bound by Christmas was having it land just outside my sewing room door. Close, but no cigar. I put my back out about a week ago and that  messed up my plans just enough that this wasn't going to happen by December 24, despite having lists coming out my ears. No biggie.

With all the hustle and bustle of the last few days now behind us, this afternoon I pulled it out to see if I'd have enough for a sewn binding or if it was going to have to be self-bound. Eureka! There was at least three inches of backing all round so it was going to be my Christmas miracle - a sewn binding.

It is beautifully quilted - I think I've mentioned before how talented Roberta is. The swirls are reminiscent of snow on the breeze, a nice complement to the pattern.

I wasted no time in trimming the quilt and getting the binding made and attached. Now it's ready for a few lovely hours of relaxing hand stitching by the tree, a perfect gift to me....M


  1. I sure you will still be able to enjoy your finished quilt even though Christmas day has passed.
    Shame you hurt your back, hope you are back to form.

  2. Hope you're back is better. Your quilt looks lovely with the binding on and the quilting design is a perfect fit. Yea, for having enough fabric lurking on the back for binding!

  3. What lovely gift to yourself! The best kind too; hand made. Too bad the weather is so warm. I've put my back out of commission too last week and still is so I can relate. Hope you get back on your feet in no time.

  4. Oh a some relaxing and stitching down binding by the tree sounds like a wonderful day! Hopefully your back is feeling better

  5. Finishes are such a nice feeling aren't they!! Love the quilting on this one too! Glad you had enough binding. I use to self bind but now like the sewn on binding better!

  6. Enjoy your blissful hours stitching down the binding. Hope your back is feeling better.

  7. I hope you enjoyed your stitching by the tree. Your quilt is beautiful. I love the quilted pattern on it.


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