Saturday, November 08, 2014

Piling On

The weather has taken a definite turn to the chilly side. For the winter we switch our bedding covers from a quilt to a duvet but in the interim I've just added a (third) quilt to the bed. Turns out it is one that mom made 30 - 35 years ago - beautiful pink appliqué tulips.

It's frayed a bit at the edges in spots but the memories that evokes are as strong as ever. Always resourceful, she used the backs of a stack of men's white shirts for the blocks. She did beautiful hand work.

You can see where it has worn through in places on this block - not sure why this particular one is so beat up because the others are still in good shape.

The green border is a Laura Ashley print - I seem to think that Dori bought it specially for her when she was a nanny in Montreal one summer as a teen.

This quilt been around for seemingly ever, and, despite a few frayed edges, still has lots of wear left in it. There's snow and rain in the forecast today so it's earning its keep. Where better to bundle up and wait for the gentle breezes and flowers of spring than under a bed of tulips?....M


  1. It's a beautiful, well loved quilt with lots of memories! THIS is why we quilt!!

  2. Aaawww! That is so beautiful! Love the blocks and the colours. Are the stems embroideries or appliqued like the leaves? Did she hand quilted it? It is so lovely.

  3. What a beautiful quilt! I've had a bit of a tulip obsession, recently. This is a lovely design.

    At first I thought those ruffled edges were intentional, lol! Probably the one white shirt was more worn to start with, or a stain was removed at some point. Anyway, thanks for the photos, it is delightful!

  4. What a special quilt! Love those pretty tulips.:)

  5. The history probably makes this quilt even snugglier. I wish our weather was turning chilly, very hot here today.

  6. What a beautiful quilt full of memories. I'm glad you have it and still use it. Stay warm this week.


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