Monday, November 10, 2014

Happy Little Bundle

The weather has been really changeable lately - sometimes snow, sometimes rain, sometimes beautiful sunshine - but I know that it's only a matter of days before the snow settles in for the winter. Might as well embrace it, right? After all, the Holly Bazaar is on Friday and that's all about Christmas cheer, and I have this little bundle of potholders all finished and ready to go.

You've seen bits and pieces of all of these before but I thought it would be fun to put everything together.

There are two versions of the Granny Square pattern...this one...

and this one. There are so many ways that these could have come together but I must say that I like the red pin dot for the border on them.

There's also a pair in the Log Cabin pattern.

And then there's the star pattern done in the winter bird print. Turns out that I have an advance sale - the Official Cookie Tester really took a liking to these and is prepared to pay double (!) for what they would normally be sold for (the gals at the church really don't charge that much at all - it's a fundraiser and more for the fun of having something to sell than anything else). So, it doesn't look like these will get as far as the church hall. Makes me wonder if I should be making a replacement set. We'll see - I have a few more birds to make/finish and then baking to do for the bake sale, so I may be getting ahead of myself.
Anne dropped off a similar bundle for the Madonna House Gift Shop a couple of weeks ago for me along with a batch of birds and heart decorations, so it has felt like a bit of a production line lately. It is fun to think up new projects to work on but I have to say that part of me is looking forward to returning to sewing without a deadline....M


  1. I love the Granny squares in the Christmas fabrics!! I spent some wonderful afternoons a couple of years ago making Great Grannies, and it never occurred to me to try them in seasonal fabrics. Oh, my, what fun! I shall return to them with renewed interest!

  2. Lovely holiday gifts! I think you will need more, I think they will be very popular.

  3. Okay, now that the sewing is done, when does the baking begin? Inquiring minds need to know what's on the menu for the Holly Bazaar?

  4. Lovely work you've made. I love the star potholders best but that's just me and my birds thing lol. Enjoy the bazaar this weekend.

  5. Marie: the Holly Bazaar was a wonderful success from the customer's perspective--wonderful meal, great company, lots of treats and goodies to buy, perfect I'd say. Thanks for a wonderful time. See you next year. Linda xo


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