Sunday, May 25, 2014

Spring Seduction

Sounds intriguing, doesn't it? I've got Betty's latest quilt to show you and we celebrated the arrival of a perfectly beautiful Spring day yesterday with some seasonal baking, so it seemed appropriate. First, the quilt.

Betty has finished binding her Double Wedding Ring and had it washed and on the line, so it was ready for it's cameo.

We took the pics at dusk so the light was just perfect for showing off this beauty.

The gingham binding is ideal with the bright prints and the cheery pieced backing. She used a sassy little paisley that I think may have come from mom's stash, and an absolutely gorgeous white with tiny floral bouquets, and worked her magic pulling it all together.

Hopefully this gives you a better look at the coloured Perle cotton threads.

Apparently it was going directly on to her bed to be used as their summer quilt.

We were together for dinner, and, since I was bringing dessert, it seemed only right that we celebrate this sunny day with sweetness made from the first cutting of rhubarb. You know what's coming... (I think I post more about this recipe than any quilt that I have worked on :D ).

Yup. It's Rhubarb Torte season, and it never disappoints.

We had a lovely dinner in the screened in gazebo (don't you just love being able to eat outdoors this time of year?) and enjoyed every last little bit of it.

Here's our happy host and his nod to our American friends and neighbours celebrating Memorial Day this weekend.

Even Baylea seemed to pic rhubarb colours for her after-dinner-nap cushion. Love Spring!....M


  1. A very satisfying quilt, Betty! I love the quilting design, the circles are a great complement to the DWR.

    Thanks for the photos, Marie! It looks like you are making the most of the warm weather. :D

  2. You've woven a lovely story, Marie.


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