Friday, May 30, 2014

A Little More Fruit Salad

Both Jane and Betty are making great strides with their Fruit Salad quilts and they are proving the point that two quilters can approach the same pattern and create two very different visions. Centres are finished and it's on to the borders.

Betty is creating a curved corner predominantly with blues that pull from the centre of the quilt and will sit up against that gorgeous red floral print. She created a pink and yellow/gold border using more of the triangle pieces to transition from the blues & in the centre.

I cannot put into words just how beautiful that red print is. Just stunning.

And Jane has been off to the races too. She's got more brown and turquoise in hers, but it is equally beautiful.

Unfortunately, this photo is not well focused but it does give you a good feel for the finish - some graphic Kaffe polka dots and flowers combined with a few paisley/eastern influenced prints in fushia and turquoise. I've been told that if you want to see if colours are working together you should squint. Maybe we'll just say that I was squinting for this one... :) M

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