Thursday, January 09, 2014

Working On Stars

When last I left my sewing room in mid December (sounds like a made-for-TV-drama, doesn't it?) I had lots on the go and the place was nothing short of a disaster, so I exercised my option and just shut the door behind me as I left so that I could get through the holidays without seeing the mess (love that I have a space that I can do that!). This week I took a peek inside. Wow! Lots on the cutting table. Bits and pieces of stars, fabrics pulled to cut more, strips from the Log Cabin potholders and placemats and tiny scraps from different projects that I had worked on over the summer and fall. I started with the bits and pieces and went from there.

I'm really loving this Stars All Around pattern and realized that I had enough blocks cut and sewn to make a second centre panel, so I decided to put it together rather than putting it all away in a drawer and then pulling it all out again at some point in the future. But that meant that I went from having to make 6 more 4" stars to 29.

Thinking it was the fastest way to use the fabrics that were strewn about, I got busy cutting. And slowly but surely I have been working on the stars - I think there's about 19 left to come together.

This batch is a little more scrappy than the first and I've incorporated deeper tans so I will wait until they are all together to decide on the final mix for each runner.

I was in major clean-up mode so I also finished little odds & sods that had been lying about, including a scrappy little 4" block that I had started for Jane in the summer. Lots of housekeeping and it feels good....M


  1. It is a wonderful advantage to be able to close the door and walk away for a while. Happy you could find where you were up to.

  2. My sewing room looks like that all the time - I figure it is just a sign of a creative mind! I love the red star!

  3. Isn't it grand that we can have a room devoted to our passion!! Beautiful red stars - your piecing is wonderful.
    Thank you so much for dropping by earlier. I appreciate your taking time to comment.

    Happy stitching!


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