Monday, January 06, 2014

And The Stockings Were Hung... the chimney with care.

This post is going to look a little dated, but, given that these stockings were all Christmas gifts for family and friends, I couldn't post them before Christmas without revealing my sister Betty's hand. She's been a very busy elf, deciding last February when we spent the weekend at Jane's cottage that these were her mission in life.

She made these 6 as well as stockings for both Michael and Lili; we delivered those when we visited China in October but she forgot to snap a few pics before they were packed up.

It's the same stocking pattern throughout but each one is a beautiful work of art on its own, cross-stitched, pieced and quilted with much love. Adorned with bells and buttons and fabulous trims, they are a delight to behold. And she doesn't hesitate to give the credit for much of her lovely fabric selections to the delightful art of klepto quilting.

She integrated an orphan block that Jane gave her into the three for the boys and then personalized them from there. Brad is a Lakers basketball fan...

Dustin is big into hockey and loves the Montreal Canadiens...

And Ted is a huge Boston Red Sox fan. He might be 25, but he'll always be her boy, so she incorporated this bear pin that a dollmaker friend crafted when Ted was just a tiny tot.

She pieced together the main block for Leanne's stocking and then worked her magic for the rest of it.

Each one is absolutely gorgeous and, like those that she gifted to The Official Cookie Tester and I several years ago, will become cherished mementos and an important part of Christmas for years to come. Hopefully Santa will be able to take his eyes off of them long enough to remember to fill them with goodies....M


  1. These are gorgeous works of art! Wow!

  2. They are beautiful. Personalised decorations are such special treasures.

  3. They are beautiful and such keepsakes!

  4. These stockings are lovely! I love that she personalized each one.

  5. Yes, they are all beautiful, and very elegant. I love the prairie points with the little bells on them!

    I'm going to bookmark this post -- food for thought next year!

  6. And I was thrilled when I opened my gift containing my beautiful stocking filled with yummy goodies. My stocking will long be treasured.


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